Popular Employment Scams and How they Work

Popular Employment Scams

As part of a western union hack employing the western union hack apk, jobs and work scams are intended to persuade you to part with your money by promising you a “guaranteed” means to make quick money or a high-paying career with little effort. These jobs and work frauds use a western union hack apk as a means of hacking the western union system. The hustlers will get in touch with you by phone, email, or normal mail and offer you a job that doesn’t need much work but pays well, or a certain way to acquire money fast. On websites that provide classified ads, you can also come across people who are posting phony job openings in an effort to perform a Western Union free money hack utilizing Western Union hacking software.

It’s likely that the task at hand will require you to carry out anything as simple as stuffing envelopes or assembling a product using parts that were provided by the fictitious employer. You will be needed to pay for a starter kit or materials related to the work or scheme if you accept the task, which is essentially a trap established by hackers using a Western Union hack tool to execute a free hack. If you pay the money, there’s a chance you won’t get anything in return, or you might get something that’s not what you expected or weren’t told about. Through Western Union, a job scam.

Instead of a “business strategy,” you can be given instructions on how to attract others to join the same scheme. After you complete the task, the Western Union hacker who works out of the Western Union Hackers Forum will refuse to pay you for any of the work—or all of it—using justifications like the fact that it fell short of the required level of quality. Another way to steal your personal information while passing off a business opportunity is to use your bank account to receive and transmit payments for a foreign company.

Hustlers claim they will give you a portion of each payment you send their way. It is very possible that this behavior involves money laundering, which is unlawful. If you provide the fraudster access to your account, they might use it to steal your money or carry out other nefarious activities. You put yourself in danger if you carry out this action. Popular Employment Scams

Before getting carried away with promises of exciting job prospects with marine organizations, it is important to make sure that all relevant factors, particularly the source, have been carefully reviewed.

Although there are many respectable job search options available online, there are also a large number of phony and entirely illegal businesses run by sly con artists looking for the best method to take advantage of people’s desperate need for employment and financial advancement.

Resumé Blasting

One of the simplest employment scams involves a placement service that promises to send resumes to “thousands” of employers and recruiting firms in exchange for a one-time payment. The service may use phrases like “instant job,” “satisfaction 100% guaranteed,” “no risk at all,” etc. to entice people to submit their applications.

A thorough evaluation of such suggestions will reveal a number of dubious features and discrepancies that ought to increase our level of awareness. They will occasionally offer a link to the recommended list of businesses; when we click it, a small pop-up window will appear with a basic number asking for our act of faith or a list that is well short of the number they had promised.

The absence of email addresses will be revealed by a more thorough inquiry, including a close look at some of the websites the job applications are allegedly directed to. Many websites feature various, often technically challenging, online forms that need to be carefully filled out in order to submit a job application.

Additionally, some of them expressly state that, in order to prevent spam, any job applications submitted through a different route would not be taken into consideration. This raises the question of how these providers may pass such applications to them. Popular Employment Scams

Maybe by having every single client who uses their services fill out dozens of forms?

Calculators can be used effectively to demonstrate how profitable such endeavors are.

A limited number of positions are offered by recruiters, and no agency has any say in them. When they transmit the job applications, their work (if there is any) is done. No employment agency can promise employment.

The reality is quite simple, with two possibilities after the payment is completed:

  • In the most of cases, nothing is sent.
  • In other occasions, the scammer spams thousands of companies, industry websites and online sites specialized in job offers and recruitment with the naïve job seeker’s details just to receive correspondence that usually includes valuable personal information, which enables the fraudster to scam other victims in a never-ending pyramid-like scheme.

Bogus Job Offers

A more sophisticated job scam with three interesting variations (so far) designed to obtain:

Money or Financial Information: Advertisements offering well-paid jobs and interesting working conditions with real companies, with the fraudsters purporting to be recruiting agents or human resources representatives. If you reply to such advertisements, a bogus telephone interview may take place and, after some time, discussion and exchange of information, you will be informed that you have been selected to fill the position. Nevertheless, and to secure the job, you will be required to pay an upfront fee to cover the cost of work visa, travel to the workplace, paperwork, “indispensable” medical examination certificates and processing of the application, etc.

Financial Information: Advertisements are posted on Internet job boards or newspapers to attract the attention of anybody interested in a job meeting the described criteria. This way the scammer takes advantage of those who finally decide to contact them by asking for credit card and bank account details or visa on the pretext of a supposed personnel selection process, or to deliver paychecks by direct bank deposit or money transfer.

Personal Information: More experienced scammers, knowing that asking for money or collecting financial information to steal money from bank accounts always attract more attention from the police and other authorities engaged in the prevention of this kind of doings, profit from people seeking for employment opportunities by harvesting personal information during supposed application processes. Job seekers naïvely fill out and submit forms with their full names, photos, physical and e-mail addresses, identity card and social security numbers, driving licenses numbers, passport details etc., which are easy to sell to other fraudsters and criminals interested in committing bolder scams or identity theft.

In all these cases, these scam artists often make use of sophisticated resources for scamming their victims, including fabricated websites mirroring the real Internet sites of companies or recruiting agencies, or websites representing fake companies and organizations supposedly registered in their country.


Fake Employment Agency

Scammers occasionally engage in a more aggressive campaign by examining resumes on job search websites and personal web pages.

In order to gain the trust of job applicants, they send out emails pretending to be companies and hiring agencies, present themselves with official-looking websites and documentation, and use a variety of phony resources and carefully rehearsed pitches over the phone or in person, probably in a rented office, hotel room, or other setting.

The victim is allegedly coerced into signing a contract after a series of assurances and pledges that were purportedly made on behalf of trustworthy businesses, and they are also requested to pay an upfront charge and submit personal information.

After receiving payment from the job seeker, the “agency” either denies the offer of employment based on alleged negative references from a prior employer or offers up any other more or less elaborate fabrication. or simply stops functioning and vanishes.

Job Seekers Databases and Listings

Some employment and human resources services give job searchers the option to enter their resumes into databases or listings so that businesses and hiring agencies can access these systems to screen and choose the most qualified applicants to fill their open positions.

Sometimes, upon request from a company’s human resources department, these services offer the right candidate or candidates for a certain position.

The primary source of income for these websites is typically selling employers access to candidates or databases, or charging candidates a small fee for additional services to be included in such databases.

However, employment scammers have taken advantage of this honest business arrangement to build websites that appear official in order to steal money and personal data.

Before agreeing to a contract, you will be asked to pay a processing charge of up to several hundred dollars to join “a computerized database” that is meant to serve various marine companies. Following a thorough assessment of your education, abilities, and work history, they will match your application to the positions that are open with these businesses and forward it directly to the relevant human resources department with full cooperation and support to provide the candidate with an appropriate onboarding position.

The descriptions of a fairly typical fraud up to this point.

Job seekers will receive no job offer at all – because there is no one – but repeated excuses and requests for patience, before the “agency” disappears, leaving them alone with their contracts.

“900” Number Operators

Advertisements directing candidates to phone a “900” number in order to learn more about the qualifications needed to participate in a hiring process for various (and unspecified) jobs on cruise ships or oil rigs

Typically, “900” numbers have a per-call or per-minute fee. As a result, numerous federal regulations mandate that “900” number operators disclose their costs up front.

However, hustlers find a method to get around it by neglecting to disclose the call’s cost or even adding delays to raise the final charge.

Victims who dare to inquire about this information are typically met with verbal diarrhea and a well-rehearsed pseudo-commercial spiel about the various benefits of working on an oil rig or cruise ship designed to confuse them and make them lose track of time.

The operator instructs the victim to send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to have her/his job application mailed out if the victim is unaware of what is happening and if it has been an undetermined amount of time (never less than 20 to 30 minutes) since the victim last became aware of what was happening.

After the process is finished, the client is given a generic job application.

Nothing that cannot be obtained for free online.

Sometime later, a phone bill arrives for $30-$40.

Scam Courses

For people who are interested in working at sea, there are reputable, serious private organizations and public schools that provide helpful training programs.

In addition, there are opportunistic people and organizations that have nothing to do with the maritime industry, no morals, and are just out to rip off people who are willing to pay for specialized training services that could lead to a lucrative career with a cruise line or an offshore oil company. An online or mail-in training course that purports to unlock the doors to a job paradise aboard cruise ships or oil rigs may cost people between several hundred and several thousand dollars.

You will receive the standard package, which includes a folder with several hundred pages and maybe a CD outlining the specifics of working on an oil rig or cruise ship. Additionally, you will receive email and telephone support service during the course to address any concerns you may have. Sometimes the offer mentions the possibility of a fictitious job listing for individuals who complete the program and pass the final exam.

If you put in the effort, you will be able to take an exam in a few weeks and receive a credential attesting to your participation in the program and a level of knowledge that satisfies the industry’s professional standards. After that, you are either advised to wait until a company expresses interest in your profile or encouraged to look for work in the industry.

The issue is that, in the majority of cases, neither marine enterprises nor recruiting organizations accept such courses or the diploma they provide. It goes without saying that there is also no job listing. There is nothing except smoke and delusion. Just a ruse to get people to pay a significant sum of money and, worse, waste time studying a course that is only worth the price of the paper it is printed on.

Often you will be offered the kind possibility to pay half of the cost (1,000 or 1,500 dollars), or a percentage of it upfront, leaving the rest of the total amount to be paid after the signing of the work contract with a maritime company or with your first payroll after a successful probation period working on board.

Leaving aside the fact that this kind of agreement is illegal according to most national legal systems and international instruments on labor rights and standards, the final objective of the scheme is quite simple and easy to understand. They just want your 1,000 or 1,500 dollars.

Job Listing Services

The goal is to deceive prospective victims into believing they are interacting with an authorized employment agency or a reliable human resources professional employed by a marine company.

The hustler contacts job seekers with the intention of providing a list of openings that includes phony references and copies of classified job advertising that were obtained from publications and job sites all around the world.

Such ads are typically several weeks or months old, and the advertised openings have long since been filled.

In other instances, advertisements might come from businesses based in nations (the United States of America and Canada, the European Union, etc.) with tight employment quotas and restrictions that forbid recruiting foreigners or people from particular regions or international organizations.

Additionally, there are dishonest organizations that claim to have an exclusive list of organizations and trusted recruiters that are just waiting for your application to offer you the position that best fits your qualifications and preferences aboard a ship or an oil rig. Popular Employment Scams

Instead, all they offer is a list of businesses that don’t even have a single position open that applicants can apply for, don’t accept resumes, and have obviously never heard of such agencies. In fact, any job seeker can find a sizable number of marine companies’ addresses online. Spending a few days or weeks in front of a computer is the only issue.  Anybody who does proclaim her/himself as the owner of such an informative privilege is at least a spammer and, probably, a job scammer. Popular Employment Scams

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